With a bouquet of flowers to you... May this New Year brings with it the patience of the sun, Who lavishly greets everyone no matter who they are, May this New Year brings with it the serenity of the moon, Who softly beams even when the wolves howl, May this New Year brings with it the goodness-es of the hearts, For every heart has its own part in goodness, May these good wishes bring with them a sun, moon and a heart to a soul..... HAPPY SINHALA AND TAMIL NEW YEAR! à·„ිරුගේ රැà·ƒුà¶්, සදුගේ à·ƒෞම්යà¶්, යහපà¶් හදà¶්, ආà¶්මයට පිරෙන, à·ƒුබම à·ƒුබ අලුà¶් අවුරුද්දක් à·€ේà·€ා!